Thursday, 23 August 2012

Thursday 23rd August 2012
Weather :- Cloudy with sunny spells and a light wind.
Finally found a bit of spare time to hit the local patch, covered the woods, reservior, canal and Netherton hill. Hardly any bird activity. Grey heron in the grass, at the bottom of Netherton hill. Young blackbird spotted in  the woods, 39 herring gulls on the reservior and 20 female mallards on the canal. Male bullfinch put on a brief viewing by the canal. Buzzard soaring high over Netherton hill.
Lots of insect activity seen :- Over 20 gatekeeper butterflies on Netherton hill, few more spotted in the woods. Also burnet moths on Netherton hill and small skipper and small copper butterflies.
Blackberries and rowen berries are ripening. Flowers include herb robert, spear thistle and tansy.
Sheathed woodtuft
There are also new sculptures around the sculpture trail. As I didn't do all of the this trail, only found 2 today.

1 comment:

  1. Hi folkes went down to the woods on Saturday 17th Nov, saw a nut hatch, blue tit, It was very pretty down there in the Winter Sun
