Sunday, 1 November 2015

Wednesday 29th October 2015

So today was just for practising photos of the autumn colour. But Couldn't really ignore the birds.

Woods :- Large flock of goldfinches feeding on the ground in the pony field by raza and redwing seen.

Raza :- cormorant and first female tufted duck back.

Autumn Leaves

Autumn Fern

Autumn sunlight

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Wednesday 3rd June 2015

Weeather :- cloudy with sunny spells, 1 quick rain shower and a light breeze

Woods :- Usual suspects - woodpigeons, nuthatch, blue tits, great tits, blackbirds etc

Canal :- Coots - 2 nesting, 2 with 2 young and another 2 with 3 young.
Greater-spotted woodpecker heard drumming, chifchaff heard,
female blackcap showing well. Domestic mallard has 4 ducklings and a mallard with 7 ducklings.
21 house martind and a feral pigeon.

Coot nest building

Mallard Ducklings

Coot chick


Netherton Hill :- 1 buzzard soaring, 3 swifts low over the gorse, 2 linnets showing well.
White throat and blackcap heard.

Raza :- quiet - coots, lesser black backed gulls, mallards and a great crested grebe.

Flowers include :- hawthorn blossam, foxglove on canal bank, buttercups esp on Netherton hill,
Yellow iris on canal, red clover, herb robert, plantain, daisy, orange knapweed, wild strawberry, ragwort, oxe daisy, common vetch, forget me nots.


Insects include :- white tailed and red tailed bumblbees, small white butterfly, speckled wood butterfly, carder bees, orange tip butterfy.

Red tailed bumblebee

Monday, 25 May 2015

Tuesday 19th May 2015

So I've been really bad at keeping the blog updated, so need to try harder.

Brief walk this morning, due to a pied flycatcher turning up in the woods. Singing really well, with brief views.

Robin also showing well, with 2 young.

And while looking at the bluebell - which are now starting to die off, I got by best ever nuthatch photos, who are still nesting in the same area, when this little one landed right next door to me.