Saturday 20th July 2013
Weather :- sunny, warm with light wind.
Fairly quite on the bird front, but lots of insects about.
Woods :- usually suspects including treecreepers and swifts
Canal :- Chiffchaff, moorhen with juvenile. Three Mallard ducklings still doing well. Rat also seen.
Reservoir :- mallards, coots, black-headed gulls, herring gulls, lesser and greater-black backed gulls.
Netherton hill :- carrion crows, chiffchaff, greenfinch
Butterflies :- flying well in all grassland areas. Including 6-spot burnets, gatekeepers, ringlets, meadow browns, small skippers, speckled wood and a couple of marbled whites on tabletop.
Also lots of common blue damselflies, ( 3 joined pairs ) and a southern hawker.
Flowers :- These include brambles, herb robert, red clover, red Valerian, spear thistle, common/white and red dead nettles. Cow parsley, oxeye daisy's, creeping buttercups and reedmace.