Tuesday 14th May 2013
Weather :- Started of sunny, but turned to rain.
Reservoir :- Quiet today. 11 lesser-blacked backed gulls, 4 herring gulls, house martins, swallows and 1 swift, 2 coot nests. 2 great crested grebes - one sitting on a nest and a few mallards and coots. Also 2 common terns.
Canal :- few mallards. one family group with 5 ducklings.
Cute or what?
Woods :- blackbirds, robins, blue tits and great tits all seen with insects in beaks. Male blackcap, bullfinch, chiffchaff and willow warbler heard.
Flowers :- dandelions, herb Robert, wood-forget-me knot, buttercups, lily of the valley and nettles all flowering. And lots and lots and lots of bluebells.
Laurel flowers