Monday 22nd April 2013
Weather:- Cloudy with sunny spells and windy
Woods:- Usual suspects - blue/great/long tits, robins,great spotted woodpecker, male bullfinch, blackbirds, etc. One female blackbirs seen with nesting material in her beak.
Canal:- mallards, moorhen and coot among the common birds. First chiffchaff heard and a house martin flying over. Male and female bullfinches and chaffinches present.
Reservoir:- 1 canad goose, mallards, 2 black-headed gulls, 12 lesser black-backed gulls, 2 herring gulls, 4 great-crested grebes with 1 possible nest and coots. 2 coot nests, 1 with 1 egg present. 7 tufted ducks
Netherton hill:- buzzard soaring over and a hunting female kestrel. Second chiffchaff heard and a willow warbler present.
Plants:- goat willow catkkins and hawthorn blossam flowering. Also wild daffodils, primroses and wood anemone.
Insects:- peacock and speckled wood butterflies, buff-tailed and white-tailed bumble bees and 2 tree bees seen.