Monday, 22 April 2013

Monday 22nd April 2013

Weather:- Cloudy with sunny spells and windy

Woods:- Usual suspects - blue/great/long tits, robins,great spotted woodpecker, male bullfinch, blackbirds, etc. One female blackbirs seen with nesting material in her beak.

Canal:- mallards, moorhen and coot among the common birds. First chiffchaff heard and a house martin flying over. Male and female bullfinches and chaffinches present.

Reservoir:- 1 canad goose, mallards, 2 black-headed gulls, 12 lesser black-backed gulls, 2 herring gulls, 4 great-crested grebes with 1 possible nest and coots. 2 coot nests, 1 with 1 egg present. 7 tufted ducks

Netherton hill:- buzzard soaring over and a hunting female kestrel. Second chiffchaff heard and a willow warbler present.

Plants:- goat willow catkkins and hawthorn blossam flowering. Also wild daffodils, primroses and wood anemone.

Insects:- peacock and speckled wood butterflies, buff-tailed and white-tailed bumble bees and 2 tree bees seen.

Sunday, 7 April 2013

Sunday 7th march 2013

Thanks to qb bull for letting me know that the first chiffchaff is back on netherton hill. Also 5 great crested grebes on reservoir. 

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Tuesday 2nd April 2013

Ok, computer has just died, so I'm afraid any photos will have to be added later.

Weather:- cloudy with sunny spells and windy.

Woods:- usually birds around, but a male bullfinch displaying well.

Canal:- mallards, moorhen. Greater spotted woodpecker seen briefly, then one heard drumming. Female greenfinch seen with nesting material in beak.

Reservoir:- 45 black-headed gulls, lesser black backed gulls, coots and mallards. Two great-crested grebes also present.

Netherton hill:- carrion crows, magpies and a buzzard soaring over. The big surprise was a red kite flying east. Seems to be the year for surprises, third outing in a row and the unsuspected has been spotted. Just goes to show, doesn't it. There was a male reed bunting at the bottom of the hill, by the cattle bridge. Another first sighting for me.

If I've missed anything, I'll add it on later when computer hopefully feels better. Just wanted to put up a quick post.