Saturday, 2 June 2012

Tuesday 29th May 2012

Weather :- Started dull and overcast, but brightened up.

Woods :- Noisy but not much in the way of birds actually seen. Chiffchaff singing in his normal place on tabletop, mistle thrush nest found with adult on nest. Great tits have fledged and adults still feeding young. Lots of young grey squirrels around.

Reservoir :- herring gulls, lesser black-blacked gulls, mallards, coots, great-created grebes and a mute swan.

Canal :- More mallards and coots and the moorhen family have hatched their young - 4 in total all looking well.

Netherton Hill :- Linnets, male blackbird singing happily away, 2 buzzards soaring over. Whitethroat finally spotted. 

Insects include :- ladybirds, carder and white-tailed bees.

Flowers :- Red champion, red valerian, oxeye daises, columbine, bush vetch, speedwell.